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A Unique &
Beneficial Service

Why Your Home Needs To Be Cleared, Blessed & Protected

Many homeowners are understandably unaware that their houses are being breached and infiltrated by negative energy that is adversely affecting the health and well-being of everyone in the house besides it causing disruption to their lives and bringing unwanted misery.


The main source of negative energy affecting you and your loved ones in your home is coming from elements of a metaphysical or paranormal nature.


This consists of negative energy remaining in the house from past occupants or from distressing and destructive events that have occurred within the home. It also includes bad energy emitted from malevolent spirits, beings and entities as well as dark energy from curses and spells placed upon the home or land.

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A Home Has to be Energetically Cleared First Before The Blessing Can Occur


​The clearing is an important step which will completely address and resolve all areas of negative energy in the house arising from harmful metaphysical elements. This will greatly improve the home's energetic atmosphere thus raising the overall feeling of well-being in the house and bringing a positive effect into the lives of all inhabitants.


I do not actually need to physically come to a home to feel its negative energy and to clear it. As a professional dowser and spiritual healer, I can thoroughly and efficiently clear a house from a distance no matter where it is located so long as I am provided with an address and a picture of the residence.


The address and picture are energetically linked to the residence which makes my working from a distance possible through the guidance of the Divine.

What Makes The Blessing So Effective

The blessing is extremely important to have done once the clearing has been completed as it will significantly raise the level of positive energetic vibrations inside the home even more.

This a very powerful blessing performed by a gathering of angels, archangels and higher beings of light who are channeled specifically for the session. 

Your Home Needs To Be Protected

After a clearing and blessing have been done, it is important to add protection to your home.


The protection package I will send you by postal mail will further help to guard against negative metaphysical elements from re-entering the home as well as from any sort of witchcraft and dark magic.


This form of house protection is based on ancient traditional methods utilized in France for centuries using blessed salt and sprigs of specific plants that will be placed inside the home according to specific instructions and prayers.

Cost of a House Clearing, Blessing
& Protection Service

  • Depending on the size of your home, it can take from one to two days to fully detect all negative elements, resolve all issues, rebalance the energy and place a blessing on the home.  This service is unique as well as extremely beneficial and will address all sources of harmful paranormal energy found within your home. 
  •  Once my work is completed, you will be emailed a detailed report explaining what has been found, removed and resolved during the clearing session.
  • The cost is $250 for any size dwelling. This price includes the protection elements that will be sent to you by postal mail.​​

The energy clearing, blessing and protection of your home is especially emphasized and recommended if anyone is currently sick or fighting a chronic illness in your home.  A house that emits a very negative energetic frequency is not at all beneficial for someone who is sick as it will not allow them to fight an illness effectively and will only weaken their immune system more.  


Please Contact Nicholas For Any Questions or More Information 

I always remain very meticulous, honest and thorough in my work, as well as ensuring client confidentiality



1) Make sure your email address is entered correctly

2) Always check your SPAM folder if a response does not come within 24 hrs.

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Some Words of Appreciation

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'' I wanted to thank you for your intervention on my home. I now sleep peacefully without waking up at 4am which has not happened in a very long time and the pain in my back and side has also gone away. My husband who is diabetic also no longer gets up every hour, and he is very grateful for all your help.''    - Caroline, USA


'' My house was on the market for over a year, and then just 2 weeks after a house cleansing was done, it finally sold!  I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, but anyway it is an amazing one!!  I cannot thank you enough!! ''  - Laura, USA


'' I was always too afraid to go down into my basement by myself ... I could feel something was there.  Whatever it was, it's gone now!  It has truly made a difference with how I feel inside my own home! ''   - Jamie, USA

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'' I was a little skeptical at first, but ever since your intervention,  I feel much more relaxed and well-rested thanks to a  much better sleep quality ''   - Andrew, USA

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''Blessings Nicholas, and thank you.  To be surrounded by positive unconditional loving energies is a very welcome 

 feeling.''   - Marc, USA

​" I used to hate being home alone in my  house.  I do not feel this way anymore, and I'm much happier now.''   

  Susan, USA

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